• Eurosport dominates the rights to live cycling on TV in the United Kingdom

  • Sean Kelly, Carlton Kirby and Rob Hatch are just three of the Eurosport cycling commentators in 2021

  • Read below for more information on cycling streams, Eurosport and more

You don’t have to be a lifelong browser of cycling odds to enjoy watching a bit of Tour de France or the Giro d’Italia.

Cycling has taken off in the UK over the last decade or so, following a cycle of major investment and success around the London Olympics.

Cycling betting tips have grown in popularity as a result. Whether tuning in for the biggest stage of the Tour or just flicking through the channels before landing on Eurosport, fans have numerous ways to watch cycling in the UK.

Throughout this article, we will look at the most popular Eurosport cycling commentators, the options for the Eurosport player, and which cycling events Eurosport holds the rights to.

Eurosport Cycling Commentators

With so many cycling events throughout the year, it’s hardly surprising that Eurosport mixes up its commentary teams. For instance, the 2020 Tour de France saw some tweaks to Eurosport’s presentation.

Carlton Kirby, Rob Hatch, Sean Kelly and Brian Smith were the main commentary quartet for the 2020 Tour.

Kelly is an icon of cycling, and has become one of the most recognisable Eurosport cycling commentators. He ranks second all-time in career ranking points.

Another all-time great, Bradley Wiggins, was in the studio for the 2020 Tour de France, alongside Brian Smith and Dan Lloyd.

Alberto Contador and Juan Antonio Flecha are employed by Eurosport international, so they will occasionally feature, but they are not considered part of the Eurosport UK production.

Millions of viewers will watch cycling on Eurosport every year. The Tour de France is obviously the peak of their viewership, and general opinions of Eurosport’s cycling coverage are positive.

It’s a sport without the vast base following of football, cricket or basketball, so providing coverage which is understandable and accessible for people new to the sport is important.

Live Cycling On Eurosport

The schedule for live cycling on Eurosport is stacked.

Eurosport has live rights to the Tour de France, Giro d’Italia, Vuelta a Espana, UCI Road World Championships, UCI World Tour, La Course, Paris-Nice, Criterium du Dauphine, Tour de Yorkshire, British National Road Race Championships, Revolution and the World Track Championships.

If looking to follow stars from track cycling at the Olympics or get stuck into a Triple Crown event, Eurosport has you covered throughout the year.

Eurosport do not mess around with their cycling TV schedule. Hours at a time will be committed to covering events, and the Eurosport Player will always provide access to replays, highlights and full-length rewatch options.

No other broadcaster can boast as much live cycling as Eurosport. It is very much the home of cycling for UK fans, and that’s unlikely to change in the near future.

The majority of the aforementioned events have several years left on the rights deals. Alongside a mix of snooker and other sports, the Eurosport TV schedule can be found here.

Eurosport Cycling Live Streaming 

Eurosport provides live streams of cycling whatever the competition. This is where the Eurosport Player comes into its own. It is a must-have for cycling fans in the UK.

Just like with Eurosport snooker, the service allows subscribers to access on-demand content and live streams through the Eurosport app. This is available on phone, tablet and laptops.

The Eurosport Player has various payment options. Eurosport subscriptions are included in some TV packages with Virgin or Sky, but for those specifically keen to get access to Eurosport for their cycling coverage, looking at monthly or annual payments for Eurosport Player could prove to be the way to go.

Obviously, having apps for mobile devices means watching cycling live streams on the go. Commuting or out and about, it’s straight forward to use the Eurosport Player to live stream cycling. The interface is clean, and the app generally runs smoothly.

Tour de France Eurosport

There’s no better place to watch the most successful Tour de France cyclists. Eurosport has live rights to the Tour de France until 2025.

S4C has a deal of the same length, while ITV has rights that expire in 2023. You don’t need to be a cycling obsessive to know the Tour de France is the biggest event on the calendar.

As is to be expected, Eurosport’s cycling coverage ramps up a level for the Tour. On-demand features and analysis goes to a new level.

Podcasts and streams are consumed at a much higher level for the Tour than for any other event. Cyclists make history at the Tour de France. Eurosport has been home to some of the best moments of all-time.

Eurosport Fantasy Cycling 

Eurosport Fantasy Cycling was largely based around the Tour de France. Fantasy cycling remains popular on other platforms.

Just like other fantasy sports, this puts players in the position to make decisions with their ‘team’. It’s a chance to come up with a punny name, pick your riders and watch the points roll in.

Points were scored for the following in Eurosport Fantasy Cycling; top 20 stage finishes, wearing any jersey, overall classification, final podium.

Eurosport Cycling FAQs:

Can I watch cycling on Eurosport?

Yes. Eurosport has comprehensive cycling coverage, including live streams. Eurosport has UK rights to almost every major cycling event.

Is it easy to stream Eurosport cycling events?

Streaming cycling events on Eurosport is very easy with the Eurosport Player. This is accessible on phone, tablet or laptop to watch live cycling action.

Is there a Eurosport cycling channel?

There isn’t a cycling-specific channel on Eurosport, but that doesn’t impact how much cycling they show. They will often hand one of their channels over to cycling when a major event is on.

How do I watch cycling on the Eurosport Player?

A subscription is required to watch cycling on the Eurosport Player. Paying monthly or annually is possible, and subscribers can then use the app to watch live cycling or catchup with highlights.

What is the difference between Eurosport and Eurosport Player?

Eurosport Player is the app associated with Eurosport. All Eurosport content is available on Eurosport Player. This is a similar set up to Sky Go, enabling fans to keep up with the latest action on the move.

*Credit for the main photo belongs to Franck Faugere / Pool via AP*


Sam is a sports tipster, specialising in the Premier League and Champions League.

He covers most sports, including cricket and Formula One. Sam particularly enjoys those on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean – notably MLB and NBA.

Watching, writing and talking about sports betting takes up most of his time, whether that is for a day out at T20 Finals Day or a long night of basketball.

Having been writing for several years, Sam has been working with 888Sport since 2016, contributing multiple articles per week to the blog.