The great thing about sport isn’t always the action, but the names of the people involved! Here’s the top ten most epic sporting names in the history of the world!

IRINIA SLUTSKAYA – The Russian ice skating star was known for her great open stance.

RUSTY KUNTZ – Ended baseball career as a first-base coach.

FANNY CHMELAR – Nothing stinky about the Alpine Skier’s podium finishes.

TOKYO SEXWALE – Probably wouldn’t mind being beached with a name like that.

RICKY VAN WOLFSWINKEL –Norwich fans have been howling their disapproval at the misfiring striker.

MISTY HYMAN – Remarkably, her name didn’t break her spirit and she won a swimming gold at the 2000 Olympics.

RON TUGNUTT – Had a ball in the NHL, playing for eight teams.

STUBBY CLAP – Baseballer put on many a clinic in the Canadian minor leagues.

DICK TRICKLE – NASCAR legend never gave a thought to prematurely retiring.

GAYLORD SILLY – Seychelles distance runner who always had a smile on his face.



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