Free NBA Betting Previews & Predictions

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NBA Predictions Today

Searching the NBA betting pages, it always helps to check out some NBA predictions today.

Few sports provide as many opportunities to bet throughout the season as the NBA. From opening night through to the playoffs, numerous games are played almost every day.

Getting to grips with NBA predictions today requires an understanding of recent trends. Player availability is crucial as it is in every sport, but bettors must do sufficient research into against the spread records and team statistics.

Our 888Sport experts can do the groundwork for you. Their NBA predictions today are heavily researched through various platforms and with an added bonus of years of experience following the league.

888Sport’s NBA picks are the place to go for your NBA predictions today.

NBA Picks and Parlays

Whether looking into live betting or plotting bets way in advance, checking out tips for NBA picks and parlays is helpful. It’s a place to take on more information before placing your wagers, a means of aiding your own research.

Parlays are always tempting for bettors. It’s a chance to find longer odds, but they take a lot of consideration.

888Sport’s NBA picks and parlays are not searching for a massive one-off payout. They are looking for the best value bet on any given day.

Our NBA predictions will be bringing NBA picks and parlays throughout the season all the way to the Finals.

NBA Expert Picks Tonight

Every night is a big night in the NBA. NBA expert picks tonight are a must throughout the lengthy regular season.

Our NBA expert picks tonight identify the best bets from small parlays to against the spread and moneyline wagering. NBA betting is a skill in its own right which requires in-depth knowledge of the markets available and the league itself.

Let our NBA betting experts provide you with all the information you need to identify a winning bet tonight.

NBA Outright Winner Odds

The greatest NBA players are competing to come out on top in the NBA outright winner odds. The Los Angeles Lakers and Brooklyn Nets are the two favourites for the crown in 2021-22, just ahead of the reigning champion Milwaukee Bucks.

NBA outright winner odds will alter throughout the season. Injuries and team performance can result in major odds movement, and a high-profile midseason trade can flip the betting market on its head.

Keep up to date with the NBA outright winner odds throughout the campaign – who knows how the title picture will look come playoff time.


Familiar names dominate the NBA MVP odds. Luka Doncic, Giannis Antetokounmpo and Steph Curry are once again among the favourites in 2021-22.

Just like the title odds, NBA MVP betting fluctuates drastically throughout the season. Nikola Jokic wasn’t at the top of the NBA MVP odds at the start of last season, but he became the first centre to win the award since Shaquille O’Neal.

Nets duo James Harden and Kevin Durant are in contention this time around. It’s an intriguing market to follow all year long, though, as players can see their odds shorten quickly. Will we see another surprise winner?

NBA Rookie of the Year Odds

NBA Rookie of the Year odds always start in a similar manner. The top few picks occupy the shortest odds in the betting, but that can change quickly.

Several players in recent years have competed for the award despite being drafted outside the top five. Of course, a stellar NBA Rookie of the Year campaign can be the start of one of the great NBA dynasties.

Much like MVP betting, there’s potential for major movement in NBA Rookie of the Year odds as the season progresses.

Malcolm Brogdon and Michael Carter-Williams are just two recent examples of players winning the award despite being outsiders at the beginning of the season.

NBA Coach of the Year Odds

NBA Coach of the Year odds are available on 888Sport. The award is handed out to the best NBA coach at the end of every season, often rewarding a team for overachieving or a coach for coping with particular adversity.

This is one of the trickier markets to judge ahead of the season. While it’s clear who the best coaches are, there are plenty of other factors which can determine their ability to compete in NBA Coach of the Year odds.

There’s value to be found in the NBA Coach of the Year odds still, though. If you’ve got a team you’re tipping to exceed expectations in their win total, it might be worth a bet on their coach to win this award.

NBA Betting Tips 2021/22

NBA betting tips 2021/22 will be on 888Sport’s NBA predictions page every day. These free NBA tips will feature picks ATS, straight up NBA bets and total points over/under wagers.

With the regular season at a normal length for the first in a couple of seasons, it will be a busy few months of NBA betting tips 2021/22.

Combining basketball knowledge with statistical analysis and in-depth understanding of sports betting, our NBA tipsters will provide their expert betting tips in 2021/22. Check back every day for the latest NBA betting insight.

NBA Computer Picks

The amount of data in sport is astonishing. As a result, NBA computer picks have grown in popularity.

Able to process reams of information, fans and bettors are often searching for NBA computer picks to inform their wagering decisions.

Simulations are carried out to point people in the right direction, and can often be a method of finding value in the NBA betting markets.

How much faith is placed in NBA computer picks is a personal decision, but there’s no avoiding how significant they have become in the betting world.

Daily NBA Betting Picks

888Sport is the place to be for NBA betting picks today. Updated throughout the regular season and playoffs, the 888Sport predictions page will provide expert NBA tips all year long.

Covering the league’s biggest matchups, our NBA analysts follow every detail about the Association and dive into the NBA lines on a daily basis to provide our readers with the best bets on any given night.

NBA betting picks today can be found on our NBA predictions page. From statistical trends to specific matchup analysis, we’ve got you covered for free NBA tips.

*Credit for all of the photos in this article belongs to AP Photo*

Sam is a sports tipster, specialising in the Premier League and Champions League.

He covers most sports, including cricket and Formula One. Sam particularly enjoys those on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean – notably MLB and NBA.

Watching, writing and talking about sports betting takes up most of his time, whether that is for a day out at T20 Finals Day or a long night of basketball.

Having been writing for several years, Sam has been working with 888Sport since 2016, contributing multiple articles per week to the blog.